Friday, 19 December 2008

Inquiry Conclusion

Sorry no pictures. The cameras all had to be returned to the Library for storage over the holidays.
We presented our conclusions to our inquiry investigations yesterday. We have found out a lot and we also worked really well together to gather information.

The Gardens group. We began thinking Rabbits would beautify our school but after researching what Rabbits do and how much looking after they would need we decided it would better to look at growing eatable gardens. Rabbits need to eat too.

Lizards group thought building an enclosure would be a good idea. With the idea of being a rescue shelter for lizards. After some, a lot of research, we have found it would be better to create gardens in areas in the school that lizards would like to live in.

Maps and signs group had some fantastic ideas! A map at the entrance of the school so visitors can find where everything is in the school. A big sign pointing where the school is. Signs labeling the different buildings in the school.

Worm farm group emailed the council and found different websites on the internet. Thier research found out a lot of information about what kind of worms and what they do.

Good Work! It was very impressive to see the different things each group found out that could beautify our school. The children have lots of great ideas they will be able to take to their new classes next year.

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