Friday, 23 May 2008

Seems we have a radio star!

Ruben was on MoreFM this week, reading the weather. Way to go!

Monday, 19 May 2008

Oral Language Homework Term 2

Wk Oral Language
1 Holiday News – Told to a group, not whole class
2 Find or create a good advertisement. Try to sell your product to the class.
3 Own News - Told to a group, not whole class
4 Superheroes - Describe who you are (you can bring a picture). Class has to guess
5 Who Am I? - Tell us about a famous inventor and what he invented.
6 Where in the universe am I? Describe it. Show pictures. The class has to guess.
7 Own news - Told to a group, not whole class
8 Book reviews - Review and show us your favourite book.
9 Science Experiments - Find a cool science experiment. Tell us about it.
Choose the best to do in the class.

Don't forget the Middle School Show is the June the 5th!

We have done our homework!

Last week for Oral Langage homework was to find or create a good advertisement. Try to sell your product to the class.
It can be tempting to be a little silly but the children are learning to realise their work can be seen by a lot of people. We have to think carefully when we present ourselves. The temptation was too much for one of our ad presentors but once it was recorded it was too late to change. It means extra time on my behalf to correct silly comments. As I didn't want everyone to be penalised I have added this posting.

Our Assembly Item

We do fitness every day in Room 23. Watch us go!

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

You must have this!

Hannah has something you need!
We are looking at advertising this week. Notice how we are being careful with putting on personal information. I wonder where you can get what Hannah is selling!

You should have this!

Check out Lexi's ad.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Comment from a fellow University Student.

It is always great to see who is visiting our site, expecially when they leave us a comment! As you know I am doing some University papers this year and here is a comment from a colleague. Can anyone help her? Just comment back to my email address and I will pass it onto Pauline. Thanks.

Hello Room 23
My name is Pauline Simpson and I am studying with your teacher at University this year. I am very interested in your blog as I am doing some research on how using a classroom blog can help parents support their childrens learning at home. I really like the way your teacher uses the blog to not only share your work with your parents but also to communicate with your parents about homework etc. I would be very interested to hear about how useful parents find this blog. Your teacher has my email address if any parents wanted to share their thoughts with me on this. Thank you.

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Welcome Back

Holidays are over and we are almost all back at school. Matthew is still on holiday but we look forward to having him back this week. Ami left us on Friday. She is away visiting family in Japan until September. Have fun Ami. We will miss your smile.

3 Way Conferences:
I have typed up the reports today and a copy will go home to you next week. I am really pleased with the information we shared and the goals that were set. Already a positive difference has been noticed in the classroom. Thank you for taking the time to come in. If you missed out and would like to see me, either email me or leave a message at the office.

This has changed this week as the comment amongst the parents of the year 3 classes was that there was not enough homework going home. The format has changed and will be in your child's homework book. I have a class chart and if every child completes their homework each week there will be a class free choice. Such as a game chosen by the class. It will be noticed if some children are not doing their homework!

As well as getting the children to consolidate the words from the essential spelling lists and an exercise in getting the children to work independently and together the children will also have in their homework books the Essential Spelling lists up to list 7. I expect them to learn these, you choose how many each week at at the pace the child wants to work at. During the week they will peer test each other. This is what the little notebook will be used for. They are to write their spelling test into these. They will bring these books home weekly so you can see what they have done. On the class chart they will record the list they have got all correct. When all the class knows a list there will be a class free choice activity.

Work books:
I remember beginning the year off well with sending home weekly the children's reading, maths, writing and poem books. I was reminded with the interviews that it is difficult to know how well your child is doing so I will be sending these workbooks home at different times throughout the week. Please just remember these are workbooks and not always your child's best work but use them to discuss with your child what they are learning. I also may not have marked some work because it has been sent on the day the work has been done. These books must be returned the next day. It is very difficult to do work in the classroom without a workbook.

Friday Assembly Item:
Yes we are on stage this Friday! The school orchestra and choir were scheduled but there will be 3 classes away in Stewart Island on their Year 6 camp and this also means most of the orchestra and choir, lucky things. Thought I would do the right thing and volunteered Room 23 to fill the gap. All is going well, we have worked out what we are going to do and everyone is practising their part. Hope parents can make the time to come and see us.

I do realise that not everyone got to put their photostory speech onto the blog and I won't be putting any more on. The children are now expected to work on putting together their own photostory in any spare time they might have. Many that were made were not up to presentation standard for posting onto the blog. Reasons vary from too much information to inappropriate presentations. The children are learning the blog is looked at by anyone visiting the blog and they need to present themselves in an appropriate manner with the relevant information. The children are capable of putting these together so watch this space!

We have an interesting term ahead and I appreciate the help that has already been offered with the show in week 5. I look forward to having parents in the classroom!