Thursday, 21 February 2008

Challenge Ourselves!

This term we are looking at 'Challenging Ourselves.' We want to have a 'can do' attitude towards everything we do. We have started by setting our own term goals using the 'Pizza Smarts':
Word Smart: Reading, writing, talking and listening goals.
Number Smarts: Maths goals.
Picture Smarts: Art goals.
Body Smarts: Acting on doing it and getting a gut feeling.
Music Smarts: Music goal.
People Smarts: Working with others.
Self Smarts: Think about it and connect it to your own life.

The Ministry of Education is implementing the 'Key Competencies' into the new curriculum. The Key Competency we are looking at this term is 'Managing Ourselves'. Our class treaty reflects how we know when we are managing ourselves in our classroom:
"I know when I am managing myself when I am looking and listening to the teacher."
"When I am working quietly."
"When I know what to do."
"When I am a good friend."
"When I look after my classroom."

Lexi's Dad, Tony, visited our classroom and talked to us all about his challenges and his 'can do' attitude towards his challeges. He had a lot of really fantastic motivational ideas for us to think about. Kane and Hugo took photos while Tony was talking. See the PhotoStory. Thanks Tony! We would welcome any of our class parents to come in and share how they have challenged themselves. Please reply to this blog.

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